Friday, February 27, 2009
Random Quotes for you all
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."
Grace Hansen:
"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin."
Tony Blair:
"Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing."
Not sure who wrote this, but it's so true.
"If you want to be remembered borrow some money. if you want to be forgotten lend some."
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Quote Of The Day
"You see, he's trying to befriend me and I'm not feeling it!"
Last Night
Anyways the night was good. I ran into a few heads that I knew, my boy Matt(haha he lives around the corner from me), and Aaron from Eagle Rock. After the spot closed we headed to Kitchen 24 to get some food. I have noticed that there have been a lot of cops out and about lately. Last week they gave me a ticket for not having a front plate even though I had my reg tag in the front of the car(I'm not going to lie but my car is 7 months old hahahaha). Back to the Kitchen 24. It's a cool little spot and it was my first time there. The vibe is pretty chill and the service wasn't bad. I can see myself going there again after a club or just to get something to eat late at night.
Well I'm back at work and it's time for me to put in another long ass day... Talk you all later
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
25 Things About Me
1. My middle name is Allen
2. I have a fraternal twin brother and I was always told that I was going to be taller than him(Lies I tell you). He's 2 inches taller than me
3. I have a fit when I eat spicy or hot food
4. I dislike the color pink and my ex-girlfriend gave me a surprise pink birthday party (classy lol).
5. I enjoy what I do for living(Visual Effects), but I have other plans that I would like to pursue.
6. I'm the biggest De La Soul fan that you'll ever meet, PERIOD!
7. My mother passed away when I was 15 and then my aunt took care of my brother and I. Then she passed away when we were 18.
8. If I'm not working or if I get time off from work, I need to stay busy. I really don't know how to settle down and relax. I've been working non stop since high school.
9. I enjoy flying to Japan and hanging out with my friends out there.
10. I won't eat mushrooms or avocado.
11. Huge Michael Bay fan
12. Recently found a new hobby that's very expensive, but I enjoy it. (Tracking my car with my friend's)
13. I didn't start drinking alcohol until late 23.
14. Favorite drink is Ginger Ale with lime
15. Favorite adult beverage is a Long Island Ice Tea
16. Sometimes I like to take a joke too far so I can see how others react
17. I played baseball when I was younger. Then in Jr. High I broke my arm and that ended my dreams of becoming a baseball player.
18. Growing in the my friend's and I used to throw smoke bombs into a corner store in our neighborhood hahaha (it's a bit silly now, but we were kids).
19. I own 110 pairs of shoes. I stopped buying shoes for awhile. The last pair I bought was a pair of Nike Air Max 1's with a safari print back in December.
20. I once danced with a ladyboy (Shut up). Not fun at all
21. Best trip I ever took was to Jamaica
22. I have too many hoodies and zip-ups
23. Favorite colors are purple, green, yellow, and orange
24. I enjoy snowboarding and will drop almost anything to go up. Even if it's for a day trip to Mammoth
25. I cut my hair once every year or year and a half.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I Made My Mind Up
Next Up
first on the list are cold air intakes

Over the next few pages you will see that itg are able to supply fully enclosed air intake systems for some of todays more popular cars. This range is increasing on a regular basis so please get in contact with us if an application that you are looking for is not mentioned.
itg fully road test all prototypes to prove their durability and performance, and each kit is tested on the rolling road to fully enhance it’s capabilities for that particular car. This means we are able to offer power and torque graphs for each kit we supply.
Most kits come with a carbon fibre housing but in some cases we use an E-glass AB65 (pre preg glass fibre) at a slightly lower cost. This option is currently only available on the AB65.
Each silicon hose is designed and made for each specific application. All aluminium parts are anodised and we supply stainless steel or plated screws, nuts and washers to fully enhance the appearance and durability of each kit.Then the next item on the list is a harness bar and safety belts. I'm having a hard time choosing what color I want to paint it. If you all have any suggestions please let me know
Monday, February 23, 2009
East Coast GT-R Track Day
Friday, February 20, 2009
Quote Of The Day
"So I'm Chillin' in front of Pink Berry by my house in my Phantom bumping Dre right..."
I don't have to go any further with the this quote. That sums it all up. ROFLMAO
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Up with negative thoughts running straight through my head
Life's ready and I can't make moves, it's hard
And I thought it would have been nice to buy papa dukes some shoes"
"Papa always told all you can be
And maintain, gotta maintain"
A track that I've been listening to since high school when they first stepped onto the scene
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I Can't Believe This...

A cartoon likening the author of the stimulus bill, perhaps President Barack Obama, with a rabid chimpanzee graced the pages of the New York Post on Wednesday.
The drawing, from famed cartoonist Sean Delonas, is rife with violent imagery and racial undertones. In it, two befuddled-looking police officers holding guns look over the dead and bleeding chimpanzee that attacked a woman in Stamford, Connecticut.
"They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill," reads the caption.
An email to Delonas and a call to the New York Post went unreturned. The cartoon appears both on the New York Post website and page 12 of the Wednesday paper.
At its most benign, the cartoon suggests that the stimulus bill was so bad, monkeys may as well have written it. Others believe it compares the president to a rabid chimp. Either way, the incorporation of violence and (on a darker level) race into politics is bound to be controversial. Perhaps that's what Delonas wanted.
UPDATE: Rev. Al Sharpton has weighed in on the cartoon in a statement:
"The cartoon in today's New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys. One has to question whether the cartoonist is making a less than casual reference to this when in the cartoon they have police saying after shooting a chimpanzee that "Now they will have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill."
"Being that the stimulus bill has been the first legislative victory of President Barack Obama (the first African American president) and has become synonymous with him it is not a reach to wonder are they inferring that a monkey wrote the last bill?"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fart vs. Fart
'Pull My Finger' subject of court fight
- Story Highlights
- Company files complaint over use of "pull my finger" for iPhone application
- Maker of "Pull My Finger" wants company making "iFart" to stop using phrase
- Company wants $50,000 to settle the dispute, may sue in federal court
- Other company says phrase is common, cannot be trademarked
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First came the iPhone. Then, there was the "iFart" flatulence noise download. Now, there's "Pull My Finger" -- and next could come the lawsuits.
A Florida-based company has accused a Colorado competitor in federal court of trademark infringement and unfair business practices over the phrase "Pull My Finger."
The dispute began after the makers of iFart began using phrase "pull my finger" in advertisements for their products.
Air-o-Matic, based in Jacksonville, Florida, and Colorado-based InfoMedia, Inc., both offer a range of competing software applications, or "apps," that subscribers can download into their multitasking cell phones. Users can make calls, listen to music, browse the Internet and play games on the devices.
Individual "apps" cost a dollar and up, and can be used to get directions, read restaurant reviews and make funny noises. Enter the flatulence sound app, which both companies offer to customers.
Air-o-Matic says its app, "Pull My Finger" has a unique brand identity that its competitor has infringed. It wants $50,000 from Infomedia to settle the dispute and may sue in federal court.
In a formal complaint filed in a Denver, Colorado, federal court, however, InfoMedia says the phrase is a common "descriptive" term used in its advertising and cannot be trademarked.
The company wants a judge to step in now, before any lawsuit is filed, and allow it to continue to use the phrase.
According to InfoMedia's legal filing, its iFart app "boasts a number of unique features including a built-in security system designed to aurally surprise and discourage iPhone theft. iFart also features a "Sneak Attack" function using a timer that emits the sound of flatulence when it goes off, the company says, and can also be used as a prank to an unsuspecting person.
Joel Conn, founder of Infomedia, said on his own blog that his app is a "cultural phenomenon."
The company claims there are about 75 different flatulence simulation software applications.
There was no word on when a judge might rule on the complaintsource: CNN
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thank You
I'll post up pics from Moon's camera later this week. I have a feeling that this year is going to be a big change for me. I'm looking forward to a good life and it's all about being positive.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Day
Happy Birthday to me and my Christian Payne(twin). I love you man and have a great weekend. Can't wait until you move back
First present of the day. YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Joaquin Phoenix On Letterman
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My loaner Car For My GT-R
I don't even know what this warning light means
I don't even want to know
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How Does The Philippines Sound?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What A Weekend!
Later that night Mike Phan and I hit up LAX for chilled there for a minute and we ran into Moon and Leonard, but they went back to Highlands. After the club, Mike and I headed over to Drop(afterhours) and had a really good time. I saw Mel, Art, Joe, and a few others.
Saturday was somewhat of a busy day. I went to work for a bit and around 5pm, I met up with my boy Darin and Natasha from Vegas, and a few other people over at the Peterson Automotive Museum. We had dinner at Koji in Hollywood and Highlands Plaza. After dinner I headed off to downtown for Eiman's 30th birthday party. The party was at 800 Wilshire at a place called Congo Room. I had some fun there and I saw a lot of old friends that I haven't seen in a minute. It was great to catch up. I was there for awhile and then I had to go to my friend Jade's 29th birthday party over at Jimmy's Lounge. Man talk about having fun. That was one of the best night so far for me in 2009. I almost died of laughter hahahaha. We saw this one guy totally eat shit. He was on his way to the dance floor with a drink in hand and I guess he's foot caught the last step and he then preceded to slide across the floor, but saving the $11 drink hahhaha. He hit the ground pretty hard and we just started laughing our asses off.
Then that night we were teasing Ed(I love Ed he's too damn funny), because the way he was wearing he's beanie made his hair look like he was rocking a Cesar hair cut. Ed got annoyed and walked away and that's when we saw "FUTURE ED" hahahaha. This looked just like Ed, but chunky. We even managed to take a picture of "FUTURE ED". I love how we are sneaky with the pics
So later on I ended up battling some girl on the dance floor.
Present Ed
Future Ed
From back to front: Ed, moon, and myself
Brandon, myslef, and Moon
Uncle L loves the chocolate
Man rape
Sunday I woke up around 5:45 and got ready to go for a car meet and a drive in the Malibu Canyon's with my friends Darin and Tasha from Veags, Dilan, Jason, Aimee, Mikey, Verone, and a few other cats from L4P. The drive was good and we eat at a spot called Paradise Cove in Malibu. After eating we all got to goof off and take pics. After a full day of diving I headed to Moon's crib and chilled for the the evening and bounced back home. I had plans of going to the Mos def concert, but I was too tired from going out during the week.
Verone and I acting like fools hahahaha

This is our take on Milli Vanilli

I'm always dancing...

Group pic but missing a few driver's

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Feeling Good by Cosmo Baker
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Mighty Mos Def
What To Look Forward To
All I Do...
All I do
Oh baby
Is think about you
Think about you baby
All I do
Is think about you
Baby just suppose I should happen to cross your mind
And by some chance a boy like me you're really been trying to find
Well let me tell you girl
Think of how exciting it would be
If you should discover you feel like me
If you should discover this dream is for two
Well I'm gonna tell you girl
Id light a candle every day
And pray that you'll always feel this way
And pray that our love will forever be new
cause all I do is think about you
All I do
Oh baby
Is think about you
I think about you
All I do
Yeah, baby
Is think about you
Gonna tell you girl
Id light a candle every day
And pray that you'll always feel this way
And pray that our love will forever be new
I'm gonna tell you girl
If I cannot have you for my own
Id rather be lonely and all alone
Id rather keep thinking the way that I do
cause all I do is think about you
Thursday, February 5, 2009
King of Sarrow
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Losing A Friend...
My friend's funeral is this week.
here's an article about it
Fullerton woman dies in early-morning crash
April Whang was killed when a car apparently ran a red light.
LA HABRA – A Fullerton woman died Sunday morning when her car was struck by another vehicle that apparently ran a red light, according to authorities.
La Habra police and the Los Angeles County Fire Department responded to the crash scene shortly after 1:30 a.m. after receiving a report of a traffic accident and possible vehicle fire.
April Junhee Whang, 26, was driving south on Beach Boulevard in a 2004 black Acura Integra before turning left onto eastbound Imperial Highway, police said, citing eyewitness accounts. A 2003 black Mazda 6, traveling east on Imperial Highway at high speed, struck the Integra after failing to stop at a red light, according to police reports. Whang was pronounced dead at the scene.
The crash is still under investigation. Initial reports of a vehicle fire were false.
The driver of the Mazda, Brittany Deanne Schuetz, 20, of Irvine, was taken to UCI Medical Center for treatment. She is being held on suspicion of felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter, according to police.
Woman killed in car accident memorialized
Fatal crash occurred early Sunday in La Habra, police said.
LA HABRA – Fresh flowers, candles and notes with heartfelt messages mark the spot where a young woman lost her life after her car was struck by another vehicle that failed to stop at a red light.
April Junhee Whang, 26, was driving south on Beach Boulevard in a 2004 black Acura Integra before turning left onto eastbound Imperial Highway, police said, citing eyewitness accounts. A 2003 black Mazda 6, traveling east on Imperial Highway at high speed, struck the Integra after failing to stop at a red light, according to police reports. Whang was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after the 1:30 a.m. accident Sunday.
"Baby, I lost you here on earth but soon we will be together in heaven. With all the love in my heart, for you my love, always, wherever,” said a note signed by Thomas.
Another note left by Matt, Taylor, Ryan and Dan said: “April, we will miss you so much. You are always in our hearts.”
The driver of the Mazda, Brittany Deanne Schuetz, 20, of Irvine, was taken to UCI Medical Center in Orange for treatment. She is being held on suspicion of felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter, according to police.
Broken glass in the gutter, police tape, and a 40 mph sign that was knocked to the ground are just some of the reminders left behind of the fatal accident near a Chevron gas station.The crash is under investigation.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Swag VS. Swagger
From the Webster Dictionary
- Main Entry:
- 1swag·ger
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈswa-gər\
- Function:
- verb
- Inflected Form(s):
- swag·gered; swag·ger·ing
- Etymology:
- probably from 1swag + -er (as in chatter)
- Date:
- circa 1596

Now the Urban Dictionary
1. | swag | 1 |
apperance ,style ,or the way he or she presents them selves. He got a killa swag. | ||
2. | swag | |
Promotional merchandise for a band, record label, or other entity in the music business, usually distributed at concerts. May include t-shirts, stickers, promo CDs, posters, etc. Often free, but not necessarily; a t-shirt or record purchased at a concert might still be considered swag, especially if it is a design or release that is not readily available in the mass market. Many independent record labels throw in a handful of free swag when they ship out mail-order packages (stickers, sampler CDs, etc). The chief difference between swag and regular merchandise is that its purpose is not to make a profit, but to promote the band/label, and reward its supporters by giving them something cool and unique. I picked up some great swag at the concert last night. | ||
3. | swag | |
the way one carries their self. im really diggin your swag |
Christian Bale Flippin' Out
"T4" Producer -- Bale's Tantrum Was No Biggie
Posted Feb 3rd 2009 12:30PM by TMZ Staff
It turns out Christian Bale's expletive-filled, volcanic explosion on the set of "Terminator Salvation" was a "non-event"... according to a guy who wasn't the brunt of Bale's tirade.
Bruce Franklin -- assistant director and associate producer on the film -- told us "Christian is a method actor and was completely immersed in his scene ... his reaction was from the heat of the moment."
The target of Bale's attack -- a director of photography named Shane Hurlbut -- was not fired from the movie, despite Christian's threat that if Shane screwed up one more time, he should be kicked to the curb.
Franklin said Bale was under a lot of pressure because of his crazy "Dark Knight" promotion schedule, and that the crew -- Hurlbut included -- ended up shooting for another seven hours.
Free Grand Slam At Denny's
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Blessing
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Weekend wrap up
By the way I'm turning 30 in 11 days. The plans are to go to Vegas and go big or go home. We'll see how it works out. My tuner Betim from BBI Autosports told me that SEMA has nothing on what we're going to do that weekend. I should starting throwing up now hahahaha... god.
February 18, 2009 09:41 AM