Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Boy Ed
Shadow Dancing
audi: “your move, bmw.” (showcasing the new a4)…
soon after that bmw places billboards right next to theirs…
bmw: “checkmate.” (showcasing the 3 series)…
winner by k.o.: bmw
via: omgfyi
Monday, June 29, 2009
SD Weekend
Here we go...
Moon standing next to Ed's tent HAHAHA
A gray Noble and some crazy ass orange car.
You don't see this car everyday. BMW M1
This is my favorite car. I rather and plan on getting a 2008 model later, but it's still awesome to see this car in the states. Audi RS6
Moon getting tatted up on Sunday @ 52 tattoo shop
The start of the drawing that's going on his upper left arm to complete his sleeve.
The FINAL drawing
Me counting sheep. The night before was a rough one hahaha
Drawing transfered
Now the ink
Friday, June 26, 2009
You will Be Missed

Rest in Peace Michael Jackson. This man was bigger than Elvis and has influenced so many people. No matter what people thought about him, I still liked him and he will be missed
I remember when I was 13. My mom took me to Golden Apple Comics on Melrose so I can get the latest issue of X-men. When we got there we saw a big black limo in front of the store. Back then seeing a limo was always amazing. We walked in and the owner Bill comes up to us and asked if we would like to meet Michael Jackson. My eyes lite up and we both said, "YES!" Bill walked us over to where he was and introduced us. I couldn't believe that i was actually having a conversation with Michael Jackson in a comic book store. We talked about comics and dancing. HAHAHA hell I even remember the comics he was looking at. Michael has truly made an impact on my life because I wanted to dance like him. Till this day I can bust out the Beat It dance moves. Good times
Here's one of my favorite songs by Michael Jackson
Dirty Diana:
I love this track from Thriller
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Beastie Boys/De La Soul
Three Times Dope: Funky Dividends
Main Source: Looking at the Front Door
De La Soul: BUDDY
BBD: Dope
Mos Def - Ghetto
Black Jack Johnson: Ghetto
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Air Jordan Spizike Black/Cement Preview

Having initially seen these pop up the other day, Osneaker gives a closer peek into the upcoming black/cement colorway in the Air Jordan Spizike series. The kicks, slated as a February 2010 drop, combine the timeless black/red/grey colorway with a mix of suede uppers and elephant/cement detailing throughout. Stay tuned for a closer look in the coming days.
via: Hypebeast
I just might have to cop these for my birthday next year.
Blazing Saddles
Movies have gone so soft nowadays, they just don't make them like they used too. Here's the opening scene.
They said you was hung! ROFLMFAO
Where the white women at? LMAO
Kentucky Fried Movie
The Joy of Sex Skit:
Rex Krammer-Danger Seeker:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Jon & Kate: The Moral of the Story
This is one of the few shows I've been following.
For those of you wondering what to tell your children, let me put in car terms for you.
Tell your kids this:
"You see kids, mommies are like cars. At first, your happy to have a shiny new one at your house. After awhile, she doesn't perform the same way, can't or won't do the same things she used to and starts making a lot of noise. Eventually, she needs a lot of expensive maintenance and body work and somehow, she still isn't able to perform the way she used to. Before long, it's time to trade her in on a newer, younger model with updated styling and one that performs better, because if you don't, one day you'll wake up and realize that you're just not able to get inside her anymore...your body eventually stops working too.
The reality is that sooner or later, you have to find someone else to take over payments on the old beast before daddy needs maintenance. So, you take her to the place where old mommies are traded in for new mommies. That place is called "divorce court." It is a natural process whereby the old mommy's care and feeding is taken care of through a monthly stipend that daddy provides. Daddy is then free and clear to go get himself a shiny new model with sleeker lines and one that offers performance that thrills.
Don't worry about mommy...she'll eventually end up parked in someone else's garage where a good lube job will provide her new owner with some satisfaction."
~ The Misogynist Chronicles
2012 Movie Trailer

via: ComplexBlog
Monday, June 22, 2009
To top the weekend off, I got an Egine Systems Malfunction Warning on my car. It happened last week, but it went away, but now it won't go off. I thought it might be the gas cap, but that didn't solve the problem. So now my my car is back in the shop at Universal City Nissan to what the problem is. Whatever it is it better be under warranty beacuse I really don't have any extra funds to shell out for shit like this right now. The good thing about taking my car in this is that they finally gave me a Maxima as a loaner. The only thing that sucked was that I forgot my ID at home and I had to go back and get it, which made me late to work. I wonder when my car will be ready for pick up?
alright y'all I had enough. I'm going back to work
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Space... The Final Frontier
One giant leap toward space tourism in New Mexico
(CNN) -- The era when travelers will be able to catch a flight from New Mexico to outer space moved a step closer this week with the official start of construction of Spaceport America.
At a groundbreaking ceremony Friday, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson talked about the world's first facility for space tourists.
"New Mexicans have stepped up to the plate by making this investment," Richardson said. "This groundbreaking ceremony is an important step toward our goal of being at the forefront of a vibrant, new commercial space industry."
The almost $200 million project is funded by the state. Once completed, British business magnate Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic will begin taking tourists to space from the facility. Flights are expected to start in 2010.
Branson has said that he has a list of 45,000 people from 120 countries who have registered to take the space trips. It will cost $200,000 a ride, according to the Spaceport America Web site.
The spaceship will be connected to a specially designed carrier aircraft that will take it to about 50,000 feet, according to Virgin Galactic. The aircraft will release the spaceship, which will then use rockets to propel itself into space.
Virgin Galactic has envisioned one flight a week, with six tourists aboard.
The tourists will train for at least three days before going.via: CNN
My thoughts:
I've always been big on space travel and hope that some day that I will go into space and then return back to Earth safely. Space is very big, but I would like to see the most beautiful thing ever and that is seeing our planet from the outside.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Travel Bug
I've been debating an up north trip lately to Seattle like in my previous post. I figure that would be fun, but it would be better to go with someone because there are too many weirdos in the world. The last thing I want is to get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and it's like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Hills Have Eyes all over again or better yet Deliverance LOL.
**UPDATE** I might go to Bali in August. I won't know until boy hits up and tells me it's cool.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
This Guy SUCKS
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Anger Management: Xtreme Laugh!!!

Anger Management
When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know... I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered, saying "Hello.."
I politely said, "This is Chris. Could I please speak with Robyn Carter?"
Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear "Get the right f***ing number!" and the phone was slammed down on me. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude. When I tracked down Robyn's correct number to call her, I found that I had accidentally transposed the last two digits.
After hanging up with her, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again. When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled "You're an asshole!" and hung up. I wrote his number down with the word 'asshole' next to it, and put it in my desk drawer. Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up and yell, "You're an asshole!" It always cheered me up.
When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic 'asshole' calling would have to stop. So, I called his number and said, "Hi, this is John Smith from the telephone company. I'm calling to see if you're familiar with our Caller ID Program?" He yelled "NO!" and slammed down the phone. I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're an asshole!" and hung up.
One day I was at the store, getting ready to pull into a parking Spot. Some guy in a black BMW cut me off and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and yelled that I'd been waiting for that spot, but the idiot ignored me. I noticed a "For Sale" sign in his back window, so I wrote down his number.
A couple of days later, right after calling the first asshole (I had his number on speed dial), I thought that I'd better call the BMW asshole, too. I said, "Is this the man with the black BMW for sale?" He said, "Yes, it is." I asked, "Can you tell me where I can see it?"
He said, "Yes, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd, in Fairfax. It's a yellow cape, and the car's parked right out in front.". I asked, "What's your name?". He said, "My name is Don Hansen,". I asked, "When's a good time to catch you, Don?". He said, "I'm home every evening after five."
I said, "Listen, Don, can I tell you something?".. He said, "Yes?" I said, "Don, you're an asshole!". Then I hung up, and added his number to my speed dial, too.
Now, when I had a problem, I had two assholes to call.
Then I came up with an idea. I called asshole ..1.
He said, "Hello.". I said, "You're an asshole!" (But I didn't hang up.)
He asked, "Are you still there?"
I said, "Yeah,"
He screamed, "Stop calling me,"
I said, "Make me,"
He asked, "Who are you?"
I said, "My name is Don Hansen."
He said, "Yeah? Where do you live?" I said, "Asshole, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd., in Fairfax, a yellow cape, I have a black Beamer parked in front."
He said, "I'm coming over right now, Don. And you had better start saying your prayers."
I said, "Yeah, like I 'm really scared, asshole," and hung up.
Then I called Asshole ..2.
He said, "Hello?"
I said, "Hello, asshole,"
He yelled, "If I ever find out who you are....."
I said, "You'll what?"
He exclaimed, "I'll kick your ass,"
I answered, "Well, asshole, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now."
Then I hung up and immediately called the police, saying that I lived at 34 Oaktree Blvd, in Fairfax, and that I was on my way over there to kill my gay lover.
Then I called Channel 9 News about the gang war going down in Oaktree Blvd. in Fairfax..
I quickly got into my car and headed over to Fairfax. I got there just in time to watch two assholes beating the crap out of each other in front of six cop cars, an overhead news helicopter and surrounded by a news crew..
NOW I feel much better. Anger management really does work.
iPhone3.0 Update

I've updated my iPhone to the new iPhone3.0 firmware and I must say that the new things that they have on here is what should have been on it when they first released it. I'm disappointed that the video option is on on the new 3Gs.
What I like so far about this new update:
-Text preview can be turned off, so no more pop up window that displays the whole text.
-Copy and Paste. It's about damn time. I can now forward(kinda) messages to other people.
-MMS (not yet, but soon- so they say...)
-Tethering. I'm working on it. I have to figure it out**
** I got tethering up and running now and it's pretty fast
-Just saw that incoming calls that aren't in your contacts now have the city and state from which it's coming from. AWESOME! :)
That's about all I can come up with for the moment
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sade 2009

That's right, the lady of my life is coming out with another album and I'm sure it'll be something amazing and I'm NOT going to miss her concert like last time.
Sade's new album will be released November 24, 2009. Just in time for the Holidays
No matter what you've read on the internet, Sade2009.com had release info before Billboard, will the new album be released on 11/24? Sooner? Stay tuned...
UPDATE FROM SONY MUSIC - The date above has been changed, a representative from Sony confirmed the new date to be unknown. Please check back for the update on Sade's album release.
The title of the Album has not been released.
via: sade2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Seriously WTF!
Who's in on a group buy? hahahahaha
Life Size Gundam
While most dread turning 30, Japan’s most beloved mobile suit is standing tall… literally. Earlier this week Japan became the proud owner of the first life-size Gundam, which now towers over Tokyo Bay’s Odaiba Island.
Built by Bandai in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the “Mobile Suit Gundam” anime series, the iconic Gundam RX-78-2 replica stands close to 60 feet tall, making it the first ever in-scale mobile suit to accurately portray the proportions of the legendary mecha.

Though many sequels and spin-offs sported new suits of armor, this particular model effectively stands as the symbol of the franchise thanks to the success of original pilot Amuro Ray’s adventures.
For “Gundam” fans, the image almost seems too good to be true — like a Photoshop prank gone horribly right. Fortunately for fans, the shots represent a very real feat of engineering.
Many other Gundam model replicas have been built before at a smaller scale, but the closest Bandai had come to constructing the symbol of the franchise up until now came in the forms of a giant lantern and a shell housing an interactive theme park attraction, neither of which was constructed from the ground up. The new replica is also rumored to sport light-up and mechanical features. Sadly, they won’t manifest in the form of a working beam sword.
The replica will be on display through most of the summer, giving fans with the proper documentation and plenty of spare yen a very tall reason to visit the Land of the Rising Sun.

Weekend Post
I think I stayed home because I don't remember doing anything exciting at all and plus I had to be up early to go to Car and Coffee(Irvine) in the morning.
What a long ass day... I woke up around 5:20am and got ready to go to Cars and Coffee. I got there around 6:45am or so. I saw a few friends and I also met up with a sponsor for my car(SCORE!!!!). After hanging out there for a bit, I headed back to Downtown LA to meet up with my friend Terrence. We had to swap cars, so I can take his car to Long Beach for a car event called SpoCom. I haven't driven a stock GTR in awhile and it has a different feel to it. Once I was in Long Beach (I got there too damn early), I had to wait for the rest of the crew to come in. They finally got there 2 hours later. Man was I bored out of my damn mind hahaha. Anyways Terrance finally rolls up and we swap cars again. I was happy to be back in my car.
After all that, I then headed to Walnut and hung out with a few friends. I even got to test drive the Telsa which was awesome. There's no power steering in that car what so ever so it was like driving a big electric go-kart. Around 3:45 or so I headed back to LA and I was hungry, but I didn't know what to eat. I ended up settling for this soul food spot off Pico near Roscoe's Chicken n' Waffles. All I have to say is,"DAMN that shit was good!" I had black eyed peas, rice, greens, 2 chicken wings, and 3 deep fried catfish. The itis hit me so hard I fell asleep about 20 mins after eating. I woke up around 9pm and then I took another nap. Later I went out with my boy Moon. We hit up Hollywood for his friend's birthday, but we didn't get to go in, so we changed our plans and went to Mood instead.
I went to work on Sunday for a bit and then I went home to take the stickers off my car from the goldRush Rally. Talk about a pain in the ass. I had to use bust out the clay bar and throw a lil bit of elbow grease into it hahaha. After getting the car all cleaned(I left a few stickers on because that shit was a pain) I took a for a drive to Hermosa Beach beach I wanted to be near the beach and sip on a fruity ass drink and I did.
That there sums up my weekend. I have a feeling that this week will be interesting to say the least.
I'm not a Laker fan nor do I follow the NBA(I'm not a Laker hater so piss off), but I do love my city. After the Laker game there was riot because they won the series. Now to the people that like to destroy shit over a basketball game, well then FUCK YOU. There's always ignorant people that ruin everything. People can't just have a good time and enjoy the celebration in peace.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
For Sale: BBI Autosport Center Exit Exhaust
Exhaust weighs 40lbs less than the stock exhaust and makes more power. I'm asking for $1,900 OBO. The reason why I'm selling it is because I'm upgrading to 3.5in pipes. If you're interested please email me: illpayne@gmail.com

here's a a sound clip:
Monday, June 8, 2009
BBI Autosport Exhaust (Quad Tip)
R35 GTR "Godzilla"
-BBI Custom 3.5" Exhaust
-Cobb Stage 2 Tune
-47.2 hp gain / 24.3tq gain
-15-15.5 psi boost.
-Still in the process of tuning to maximize gains efficiently and safely.