Wednesday, June 11, 2008

In search of street wear

It's 3am Thursday morning which is day 5. Ed and I are back from a full day. Ed and I went out for breakfast and some lady sitting next to us thought i was a famous singer and Ed just had to play along and tell her that I was. She probably thought I was Craig David or something like that. The lady wanted me to sing, but I really didn't won't to be put on blast like that (thanx Ed :p). Now that I think about it. I kinda do look like him lol (not really). When I cut my hair people say I look like Justin Timberlake or Tom Hanks from Philadelphia (Thank you Joshua for making that Paynedeliphia poster of me).

After that, Ed and I went to the local pub to watch the Laker game. I saw the first quarter and then we bounced to start our mission of finding all of the street wear boutiques. We went to Town's Hall and dropped by SP3, Carhartt, Another, Supply, Footage, Nitrogen, and both Espionage shops. The peeps over at Espionage and Another were mad cool. They invited us to hang out with them this Saturday at a weekly hip hop event. I'm sure if ed and I will make it though. Later in the day Mike (Ed's cousin) met up with us and we hung out on the park bench by the main road for 2 hours just clowin'.

Espionage: The peeps here are mad cool.
Carhartt and below is Supply. Around the block is Another and Footage.
Ed stopped and bought boba This was interesting... Big metal bull balls and anus

Hanging out on the bench for a bit
During dinner Ed was really trying to unscrew the bottle. As you can see in the picture, there was no cap on it the whole time. LOL

We forced Mike to come out with us to some bar in the city. He only stayed for a bit and then he went home because he had to work. The night got a little interesting because the bounce was straight being a jackass to a few people. He kicked a few patrons out. He was abusing his bouncing power. The best part of the night was a watching a group of people more like 2 couples. The girls were dressed like sluts and the guys well... herbs. One of the girls left her dude to dance and grind all over the DJ. The guy was just watching her as the DJ was feeling her up. After the DJ finished dancing with her he saw Ed and I laughing about the whole thing. He headed over to us and said, "Everyone gets a turn on her mate!" I couldn't stop laughing and we gave each other a high five.

The DJ
The girl with her dude. Then she got busy with the DJ.
This guy was owning the dance floor. He was too good for me to battle.


G said...

HHAHAHAA, omg that is hilarious. What tarty girls, lol. I love, "Everyone Gets a Turn" and the best is Ed trying to unscrew the topless bottle. Classic. Have fun!

G said...

Oh, and you DO NOT look like Craig David. lol. You're heeps cuter! :)